Free Bonus

Plus lots of extra secrets on taking mesmerizing images!!!
Act immediately and you'll receive the following extra bonuses at no additional cost!

FREE BONUS #1 - Photography Jargon Explained

Break the Code!
Learn the buzzwords, jargon, and special "language" of
the experienced photographer including:
  • Plain English descriptions of your camera's complex manual settings
  • What EXIF is and what to do with it
  • What Exposure Value is and how it affects your images
  • What a starburst is and why it should be used sparingly

FREE BONUS #2 - Secrets Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet captures the top 20 secrets given in the book and condenses them into a handy take-along reference.
No need to memorize anything anymore! Store it with your camera!

FREE BONUS #3 - Reducing Noise in your Digital Photos

What causes noise in your digital images? How do you reduce or remove this unwanted effect? Find out in this special report where I discuss all about digital camera noise. There's even a video where I show you how to use a noise reduction program to remove noise!

FREE BONUS #4 - Using Flickr

Flickr is the hottest photo sharing site online. It's a fantastic resource for sharing your photos with your friends and for finding others who like to photograph the same things as you. In these easy videos, I'll show you how to use the Flickr site and how to upload and share your photos.