Everything the professionals know

Everything the professionals know, but don’t want you to know about
using your digital camera to take stunning photos
This book covers everything you need to know to take stunning photos with your digital camera. It’s like having your very own professional photographer that you can reference any time you need to.

Do It By The Numbers

Superior digital photography is an art and Digital Photography Secrets lets you "paint by numbers" with:
21+ outstanding foundation secrets for taking better photographs
over 125 glorious full-color images explaining the secrets and technique
4 alternate ways to shoot an object to make a much more interesting photo
2 sneaky places to look to find fantastic shooting locations
3 unusual subjects that make great night-time shots
4 simple ways to save on battery power
2 additional parts of your digital camera you should also keep clean - but most people never do
9 advantages of digital cameras over film cameras
6 reasons people still use film camera.
4 ways to ensure you use the correct white balance when taking your shots